Thursday, June 4, 2009


How do you feel when someone follows your blog? Like or dislike? I think no one dislike when your blog is followed by someone.
How important this one for you ? These are the reason:
  • Visitors or readers like and love your blog
  • Visitors can read all your post especially your new post when they are signing in to their blog
  • You can easy to find all your followers and you can click them whenever you like and make conversation / chat with them and always keep in touch with them.
  • If your followers are crowded, almost new visitors assume that your blog is good and important, and it’s possible or automatically they follow you.
  • You will be more progressive and more diligent to make new post and manage your blog
How important this for your followers?
  • Their blog will be visited by the other follower in your blog
  • Their blog will possible jump to higher google page rank or other service
  • They can make a relationship with other follower in your blog
  • If your blog has good in google PR, it might be almost visitors will follow you, for the purpose to increase their PR or traffic.
Those reasons above are according to me and I think that’s why blogspot provides this gadget for us.
So, how is the way to get or to add your followers? Follow first and tell them that you've followed their blog. I think they will follow you back.
And now I will follow you all, if you leave a comment or leave something in shoutmix.

By: piter silitonga


nyoman said...

haha asal ada temen yang punya email di gmail/yahoo bisa disuruh jadi follower nih sob :P

anggaarie said...

okeh..nice info, aku follow you neh...sukses sob

nyoman said...

sudah difollow sob

budiawanhutasoit said...

aku udah jadi follower ya lae..

budiawanhutasoit said...

aku udah jadi follower ya lae..
