Monday, September 8, 2008


The healing properties of Buah Merah were discovered quite by accident. It was Dr. I Made Budi MSc who made the link between Buah Merah and the fact that the Papuans and the Wamena people had a very negligible incidence of cancer, hepatitis, hypertension, stroke, diabetes and heart diseases. After conducting several tests to ascertain the properties of Buah Merah, it was found that the fruit contained Beta-carotene, Antioxidants, Omega 9 and Omega 3, all of which help to increase the resistance of the body.

How Red Fruit Works As An Alternative Cancer Treatment

The fruit was found to have very high levels of beta-carotene, which was around 12.000 ppm. Beta-carotene was used in the United States for effectively treating patients who suffered from lung cancer. It works by slowing down the blockage of the arteries, thus enhancing the blood flow to the brain and the heart. Beta-carotene also interacts with the protein in the body, increasing the antibody output by at least twice the amount, which enhances the activities of the lymphocytes and T-helpers. Studies have shown that a daily consumption of 30-60mg of Beta-carotene for two months can cause the body to produce natural cells that are disease-free. This increase in the number of natural cells was capable of minimizing production of cancer cells. This was possible because of the neutralization of free radicals which otherwise caused cancer.

After this discovery was made, the oil of the Buah Merah fruit was given to 30 fowls as they were also prone to succumbing to deadly viral attacks. These fowls were kept under observation and it was seen that it increased their resistance to the virus. After further tests and extensive library study, Drs. I Made Budi MSc concluded the fruit would definitely have healing effect on human beings too. Since then, the fruit has become popular as an alternative treatment choice for curing stroke, diabetes and different types of cancer.

Drs. I Made Budi, MSC did further tests on the fruit and found it had several nutrient substances that were also active medicinal compounds including tocopheraol, linoleat acid, dekanoat acid, oleat acid and linolenat acid. The tocopherol that was present in Buah Merah had strong anti-carcinogenic properties, which enhanced the body’s immune system especially against HIV/AIDS. This further endorsed Drs. I Made Budi’s decision to use the fruit for medicinal purposes.

Buah Merah also contains high levels of Omega 9 as well as Omega 3, two non-saturated fatty acids which are easily digested and absorbed into the body. This helps the metabolism to run smoothly, which in turn speeds up the process of recovery. These fatty acids also have antiviral as well as antibiotic properties, which function by slowing down and killing the lipids membrane of viruses. As a result of this, the viruses are unable to develop new structures and cannot regenerate. This helps actively in the prevention of HIV/AIDS by killing the HIV/AIDS viruses including the liver-damaging hepatitis virus. The active tumor cells are also killed.

The Antioxidant Properties Of Buah Merah

Prof Dr. Muhilal, a Biochemical Doctor discovered that the reason the Papuans had such a low incidence of vitamin A shortage was because of their high consumption of Buah Merah, which contained high levels of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene gets converted into vitamin A by glucose.
The high levels of tocopherol helped prevent the onset of degenerative diseases such as cancer, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Only olive oil has such high tocopherol content. Dr. Chairul, chemical doctor and researcher at LIPI - Indonesian Biology Examination Center stated that the antioxidant properties of the fruit made it helpful in curing degenerative diseases, retarding free radicals and preventing the early onset of old age.

Source: a new natural alternative cancer treatment

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