Monday, February 23, 2009


Blogsvertise is service of advertising base on blog. Name of " Blogsvertise" represents aliance of " Blog" and " Advertising". If you are a Publisher, you just register your blog that you have to Blogsvertise.Com. It's Free. The Management of Blogsvertise.Com will review and will contact You via email to tell your blog approved or not.
Blogsvertise.Com is third party becoming a medium between advertiser and publisher. Advertiser wishes the publisher to review their product or their website in publisher's blog that have registered in Blogsvertise.Com.

A Publisher in Blogsvertise.Com must make an article or review about the Advertiser's product or their website, which giving a review job and it post in publisher's blog.
There are some rules which must obey. Several of them are, the review must be written by own written and do not make copy-paste from other website. If you impinge this rule, you'd rejected by Blogsvertise.Com.
Beside that, your article or your review which you make at least two paragraph and load at least three ( 3) links to adviertiser's website. More link will be more add the reason of Blogsvertise.Com to approve your review .Link and address of URL product or website of Advertiser will be sent to you through your email by of Blogsvertise.Com. If the review have been made, you are just awaiting a confirmation from Blogsvertise; is your review accepted or refused.
Payment methode
How is the payment system and methode from Blogsvertise? The payment is done via PayPal account and they send 30 days after your review is accepted. You have to give your job (title,url,and review description) to the system before you earn.
For this payment methode, you must have a paypal account.

Let's try to join in this nice job, clik picture below:

Increase Website Traffic

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