After the passage of time through the centuries, infectious diseases that used to be the most common cause of death, has been replaced by degenerative diseases and malignant disease of the current board. One type of degenerative disease and very dangerous is cancer. This disease can grow rapidly and uncontrollably, which attack the body's organs mercilessly and generally brings death.
One risk factor for cancer is because of the reaction of free radical compounds in the body. Free radicals which are chemical compounds that are unstable due to loss of electrons that will attack the body's cells to become stable. By undermining the body's cells are kept - consistently and in a long time, then free radical damage will cause changes in DNA structure that could lead to mutant cells are dangerous.
One risk factor for cancer is because of the reaction of free radical compounds in the body. Free radicals which are chemical compounds that are unstable due to loss of electrons that will attack the body's cells to become stable. By undermining the body's cells are kept - consistently and in a long time, then free radical damage will cause changes in DNA structure that could lead to mutant cells are dangerous.
The emergence of free-radical compounds that cause this cancer are due to activity metabolism and various external factors such as cigarette smoke, ultraviolet irradiation results, the content of various chemicals in food and other pollutants.
To be able to put a halt and prevent these compounds continually damage the body, must be countered with antioxidants that can neutralize or destroy free radicals. One of the antioxidants that can fight malignancy free radicals is beta-carotene.
Beta-carotene are common available in nature, and one of the highest beta-carotene are in carrots. The content of beta-carotene in carrots about 754 ug, is still higher than beta-carotene in kale (380 ug), leaf caisin (286 ug), and in spinach (409 ug).
With beta-carotene content is high, the carrot is the potential in preventing cancer by inhibiting free radical reactions are dangerous. The more orange the color of carrots, the higher levels of beta-karotennya.